Whether you're looking to join us on club nights, participate in a tournament, take part in group lessons, or spend an in-service day learning with us, keep scrolling!
Club Membership
Want to become a club member? Looking for a place to play? Our memberships run from September-December and January-April (or May) and grant you unlimited visits to your club's open play and open training sessions!
Group Lessons & Training
Want to improve your game and practice consistently? Our group lessons and programs target both beginner and intermediate/advanced players of all ages.
Special pricing for members. Space is limited.
By design, our group training is all-ages. We believe that junior athletes have much to learn from more senior athletes and vice versa. For the very young, we aim for one 8- or 10-week session with littles (kindergarten to grades 4/5) per term!
Camps, Mini-Camps, & Clinics
Interested in our learning events? Want to sign up for a mini-camp or upcoming clinic? Register here!
Special pricing for members. Space is limited.
Tournaments & Competition
Signing up for a tournament or competitive event?
Head to the link to register.